We provide high quality, wild caught, frozen on board premiere species.
We focus on producing high quality, wild caught, frozen on-board premiere species such as Patagonian Toothfish, Southern or Austral Hake, Hoki, King Clip, Patagonian Cod, amongst others.
Our company holds the required quotas that enable the company to fish these species.
We fish in some of the most demanding conditions in the world with our 90 meter catcher-processor vessel called M/V "EchizenMaru". The vessel processes and freezes on board the different species in two main presentations: Headed, Gutted and Tail off (HGT) and fillets.

Quality and food safety.
Meet our products
We are driven by the
commitment to quality.
We freeze our products on board inmediatly when catched
Our products are packed when catched. This provides maximum safety conditions
Quality is constantly analyzed by professionals
Our products meet the highest international quality standards
Our activity is completely legal and complies with all the regulations in force
Each fishery is audited and strictly controlled to ensure full control and quality
Fresher than fresh.